Herr Blau, Amo Nico

Herr Blau, unser ruhiger, in sich ruhender heller Rüde. Ein ganz besonderer Kerl. Was uns besonders freut ist die Tatsache, dass Nico einer der Welpen war bei dem sich die neuen Besitzer ganz auf unseren Rat eingelassen haben.  Und unsere Auswahl hat gepasst. Nico ist in die Schweiz gezogen und darf dort bei kleinen Spaziergängen schon die "Berge und Bäche" erkunden. 

Er kam als zweiter Welpe auf die Welt.  

Oft habe ich mir ganz besonders vorgenommen mit Nico etwas besonderes zu unternehmen da er nie auffällig und laut war. Wenn wir ihm Zeit schenkten dann war er glücklich, sonst auch. Nach einigen Wochen sah er Herrn Orange zum Verwechseln ähnlich. Bestimmt 2,5 Wochen konnte ich die Beiden nur über die unterschiedliche Brustfärbung aus einander halten. 

13.11.2017 Nico unser kleiner Schweizer hat uns gestern mit seinen Zweibeinern besucht. Er ist ein quirliger Kerl geworden der aus dem Stand unglaublich hoch springen kann :-). Bei ihm hatte ich wirklich das Gefühl, er konnte sich an unser Wohnzimmer erinnern. Plötzlich kam er dann auch zu mir und hat mich höchst stürmisch beschmust. Er hat ein traumhaft wuscheliges Fell. 

Nico mit drei Monaten
Nico mit drei Monaten
Nico!  Home In Switzerland
After a two and a half hour car trip home from Deutschland to Switzerland with Papa Marc and Auntie Franca, Nico was introduced to his new home, a chalet located in the Grison Alps in a small mountain hamlet called Lunden. He spent the first three days exploring all the rooms with much interest. With mouth and nose, he thoroughly became acquainted with many things he could play with and those he could not. (After two weeks he has his special spots for playing and napping.) But he was soon distracted by the gifts waiting for him: new toys and a new bed. His favorite toys are the Whabba, the tennis ball, and the Frisbee. He’s a master at playing fetch, dropping the ball at your feet. It’s his favorite game. In the next days, Nico learned to come when asked, sit, and stay.

He's a fast learner and loves to practice his new skills. (He likes to earn the reats too!) Nico takes two short walks a day near his house, through the woods and up the road towards the next village Buchen. He lives near an alpine creek, one of his favorite stops on his walks. He already knows the way to the creek. Along his walks, he has met many of our neighbors and though he is at first cautious with them, he ends up licking their hands in friendship. He knows two of our neighbors well enough that he now goes to them when called. He is showing his very loving and friendly personality already. However, it’s the four legged neighbors that Nico is still cautious of. He is still getting use to meeting the neighborhood dogs. He will sit and watch the sheep that graze on our property. The sheep watch him too. Now Nico is enrolling in puppy school so he can meet new friends and learn even more. His Papas, Jürg and Marc, are smiling all the time because Nico brings such joy to their hearts. Nico’s mountain adventure is new and different every day!